Working papers
Hosting researchers from various disciplines, cultures and nationalities also allows us to benefit from the expertise developed on particular issues in the field of occupational health and ethics. The aim is also to disseminate the work initiated within the framework of the CIECST. The format of the working paper is not a finalised version, but a version that allows for substantial documentation of the issues treated in the field of CIECST.
- 2023
Lerouge L., Contribution à l’amélioration de la prise en charge des troubles psychosociaux au travail dans l’agriculture, Rapport réalisé dans le cadre des travaux de la Commission Supérieure des Maladies Professionnelles en Agriculture (COSMAP), Présenté en COSMAP plénière le 17 janvier 2023, 154 p.
The aim of the report is to draw up an inventory of psychosocial disorders at work in agriculture on the basis of available statistical data and the current state of the legislation, in order to formally recall the legal framework in which they currently fall. This first part will be followed by a study of the issues involved in improving the management of work-related psychosocial disorders in the agricultural sector, before moving on to a final part that will address the recommendations for achieving this.