Our partners
The CIECST benefits from many partners whom we thank warmly. Not only our various supports are institutional, but also financial (COCT, DGT, Anthony Mainguené Foundation, DREETS Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Conseil régional de Nouvelle-Aquitaine).
- International partners:
- The International Labour Office (ILO) is the permanent secretariat of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), its role is to serve as the headquarters for all of the Organisation’s activities, which it implements under the control of the Governing Body and the authority of the Director-General;
- The European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) is the independent research and education centre of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), which itself gathers European trade unions into a single European umbrella organisation. The ETUI puts its expertise – acquired particularly through its links with universities, academic and expert networks – at the service of workers’ interests at the European level and of strengthening the social dimension of the European Union;
- The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) is the European Union’s information agency on safety and health at work. It contributes to the European Union’s strategic framework for occupational safety and health;
- The CIELO Laboral Network is the “Community for Research and Studies on Work and the Professional Field” within a geographical framework including Latin America and the European countries directly related to it (Spain, Portugal, France and Italy). Their aim is to strengthen traditions of personal and professional collaboration between countries of both continents that share common languages, traditions and cultures.
- National partners:
- The “Comité d’orientation des conditions de travail” (COCT) aims to be a forum for dialogue and cooperation between all actors involved in occupational health policies. These policies are characterised by the large number of players involved and therefore require strong coordination in order to form a coherent system;
- The French Directorate-General for Labour of the Ministry of Labour (DGT) prepares, leads and coordinates labour policy in order to improve collective and individual relations and working conditions in companies, as well as the quality and effectiveness of the law that governs them;
- The French National Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions (ANACT) aims to improve working conditions by acting on work organisation and industrial relations. Based on the lessons learned from pilot projects they conduct with companies, they design and disseminate methods and tools for employees, their representatives and management – but also for all those involved in companies – with a shared objective: to reconcile quality of life at work and economic performance in the long term;
- The French National Study Group on Work and Health at Work (GIS-GESTES) is a dynamic interdisciplinary scientific network on work and occupational health issues;
- The French Network of Universities for Health Education (UNIRèS) is dedicated to training and research in the field of health promotion, in and out of school.
- Regional partners:
- The University of Bordeaux is a large multidisciplinary research University, rooted in its territory and with an international influence;
- The Regional Council of New Aquitaine is the deliberative assembly that manages the affairs of the New Aquitaine Region. It is responsible in particular for the economy/employment, youth, regional planning, energy and ecological transition;
- The DREETS Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Labour Inspection) lumps together the sites of the Regional Directorates for Business, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and Employment. The Labour division is in charge of steering, coordinating and leading the action of the control agents (Labour Inspection) in order to ensure compliance with labour law, prevent occupational risks, improve occupational health and working conditions, support social dialogue and the development of staff representation, and ensure the monitoring of individual and collective labour relations;
- Regional Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions Nouvelle-Aquitaine (ARACT) is a multidisciplinary team of 24 employees who contribute to ensuring that working conditions and the Quality of Life at Work are jointly considered as performance factors for organisations and employees (ergonomists, work psychologists, sociologists, etc.);
- The Anthony Mainguené Foundation, under the tutelage of the Fondation de France, promotes a responsible, forward-looking, innovative and creative ethical conscience, which guarantees human values, both individual and professional, as well as societal;
- L’Établi du travail Humain en Nouvelle-Aquitaine (ETHNA) is an association whose aim is to create and participate in sharing spaces around the issues of health at work;
- The Association Santé, Qualité et Travail (ASQT) is an association specialising in quality of life at work.
- The Occupational health and prevention service in Corrèze-Dordogne area is an inter-company service for 13,400 companies and 150,000 employees and managers, whose main mission is to prevent any deterioration in the health of workers due to their work. It contributes to the achievement of public health objectives in order to preserve, during working life, a state of health compatible with maintaining employment.